Reactivity of Coal Activated by Mechanochemical Treatment

Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing - Tập 8 - Trang 365-367 - 2000
L'udmila Turčániová1, Peter Baláž1
1Institute of Geotechnics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, Slovakia

Tóm tắt

The paper presents new information on the transformation changes in the chemical structure of coal caused by mechanical activation using the GACL procedure. In the case of chemical treatment of Pittsburgh bituminous coal, the CAPTO method has confirmed a temperature T max shift for identification of carbonaceous and sulfur compounds (ΔT max/Sorganic) − 50°C; ΔT max/Corganic − 50°C). The temperature reduction of the thermal destruction maximum of carbonaceous and sulfur aromatic compounds is a result of activation of the coal structure of bituminous coals. The environmental effect of desulfurization (approx. 70%), detoxication, e.g., removal of arsenic (approx. 95%) and increase in the content of humic acids in the treated coal batch, have been proved by mechanical activation of Nováky brown coal using the GACL procedure. It is possible to improve the technological parameters of chemical treatment by optimization of the GACL procedure.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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