Raman and optical characterization of multilayer turbostratic graphene grown via chemical vapor deposition

Journal of Applied Physics - Tập 110 Số 1 - 2011
Daniel Lenski1, Michael S. Fuhrer1
1Department of Physics and Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials, University of Maryland , College Park, Maryland 20742-4111, USA

Tóm tắt

We synthesize large-area graphene via atmospheic-pressure (AP) chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on copper, and transfer to SiO2 wafers. In contrast to low-pressure CVD on copper, optical contrast and atomic force microscopy measurements show AP-CVD graphene contains significant multi-layer areas. Raman spectroscopy always shows a single Lorentzian 2D peak, however systematic differences are observed in the 2D peak energy, width, and intensity for single- and multi-layer regions. We conclude that graphene multi-layers grown by AP-CVD on Cu are rotationally disordered.

Từ khóa

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See supplementary material at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3605545 for larger scale images of the grapheme.