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1965, U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Bureau, Climatological data, 68, 232
1969, U.S. Department of Commerce Environmental Science Services Administration, Climatological data, 72, 217
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Marcus, 1965, Summer temperature relationships along a transect in the St. Elias Mountains, Alaska and Yukon Territory, Man and Earth, Series in Earth Sciences, University of Colorado Studies, 3, 15
1963, U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Bureau, Climatological data, 66, 226
1960, U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Bureau, Climatological data, 63, 220
Heusser, 1975, Land and marine records in the Pacific Northwest during the last glacial interval, Geological Society of America, 7, 1113
Crandell, 1965, The glacial history of western Washington and Oregon, The Quaternary of the United States, 341
1962, U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Bureau, Climatological data, 65, 228
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Florer-Heusser, 1975, Late-Cenozoic marine palynology of Northeast Pacific Ocean cores, Quaternary Studies, 133
Easterbrook, 1973, Paleomagnetism of late Pleistocene sediments, Puget Lowland, Washington, Geological Society of America, 5, 36
1968, U.S. Department of Commerce Environmental Science Services Administration, Climatological data, 71, 207
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Hitchcock, 1973, Flora of the Pacific Northwest
1966, U.S. Department of Commerce Environmental Science Services Administration, Climatological data, 69, 228
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1970, U.S. Department of Commerce Environmental Science Services Administration, Climatological data, 73, 219
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1964, U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Bureau, Climatological data, 67, 210
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Hansen, 1938a, Pollen analysis of some interglacial peat from Washington, University of Wyoming Publications, 5, 11
Davis, 1973, Pollen evidence of changing land use around the shores of Lake Washinton, Northwest Science, 47, 133
Franklin, 1973, Natural vegetation of Oregon and Washington, J.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service General Technical Report PNW-8
Carson, 1976, Late Pleistocene tephra layers in the western Puget Lowland, Washington, Geological Society of America, 8, 358
LaChapelle, 1960, The Blue Glacier Project 1959 and 1960, 54
Dreimanis, 1972, Glacial history of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence region, the classification of the Wisconsin(an) Stage, and its correlatives, International Geological Congress, 24th Session, 5
1961, U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Bureau, Climatological data, 64, 224
Noble, 1966, Geology and ground-water resources of Thurston County, Washington, Division of Water Resources Water Supply Bulletin, 10
1967, U.S. Department of Commerce Environmental Science Services Administration, Climatological data, 70, 209
Hansen, 1974, Pollen analysis of a deep section from Lake Washington, Seattle, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany Special Publication, 5, 1
Crandell, 1974, Quaternary Stratigraphy and Extent of Glaciation in the Mount Rainier Region, Washington
1971, U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Climatological data, 74, 223
Easterbrook, 1973, Paleomagnetic events recorded in late Pleistocene sediments, Geological Society of America, 5, 478
Wolfe, 1969, Neogene floristic and vegetational history of the Pacific Northwest, Madroño, 20, 83