Proximity politics in changing oceans
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How will ocean governance actors and institutions handle a future where the abundance and spatial distribution of marine life changes rapidly and variably? The answer, this paper argues, will be influenced by inherited and changing ocean proximity politics, whereby institutions and actors use spatial proximity or adjacency to legitimize particular forms of resource control, conservation and use. Focusing on United Nations and Canadian institutional contexts and recognizing state and non-state actors as agents of policy change, the paper documents and examines why and how spatial proximity has been invoked (i) as a principle for claiming, defining and implementing use rights, privileges and responsibilities for not just nation-states but also for other entities such as coastal communities and small-scale fisheries; (ii) to justify and legitimize rights, privileges and responsibilities for their interest and benefit; and (iii) to inform and challenge global and local discussions about principles such as conservation, sustainability and distributive equity. The future practical use of spatial closeness/distance for guiding policies of access and exclusion under conditions of change will likely be influenced by challenges associated with applying multiple and conflicting governance principles, accommodating diverse interests and interpretations of principle definition and application, and multiple forms of biophysical and social mobilities. The conclusion highlights four areas of further research and policy engagement for the study of ocean proximity politics.
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