Protein-Based Films: Advances in the Development of Biomaterials Applicable to Food Packaging
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Consumer demands and requirements by regulatory agencies to use more environmentally friendly and less polluting packaging have directed researchers to consider packaging materials that are naturally derived or made from renewable resources to replace or reduce use of synthetic polymers. Biodegradable and/or edible films have the potential to reduce some traditional synthetic polymeric packaging materials for specific applications. In recent years, biodegradable films prepared with animal and vegetable proteins have received increasing attention and are increasingly being used in the food-packaging industry due to their relative abundance, film-formation capacity, biodegradability, and nutritional value. However, the ideal protein films for food-packaging application should be strong, be elastic, and have very low permeability. The aim of this review is to offer a comprehensive view of recent state-of-the-art protein-based films as biodegradable materials applicable to food packaging with special reference to the application and combination of technological advances. Such advances include plasticization, cross-linking techniques, nanotechnology, and composite films. The results indicate that the functional properties of protein films are still not comparable with those of synthetic films, but there are promising potential methodologies that might further improve the mechanical and barrier properties of protein-based films. Nanocomposite films with well-controlled structures comprise an up-and-coming area of research. Research into nanocomposite film includes the opportunity to design biofilms and packaging materials with the precisely desired functional properties. By employing natural agents with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, these materials promise to provide maintenance during storage time and to increase the shelf life of food products.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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