Progress in sensor technology - progress in process control? Part II: results from a simulation benchmark study

Water Science and Technology - Tập 47 Số 2 - Trang 113-120 - 2003
J. Alex1, Leiv Rieger2, Stefanie Winkler3, Hansruedi Siegrist2
1ifak, Institute for Automation and Communication, Steinfeldstrasse, 39179 Barleben, Germany (E-mail: [email protected])
2EAWAG, Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, Ueberlandstrasse 133, PO Box 611, 8600 Duebendorf, Switzerland (E-mail: [email protected])
3Institute of Water Quality and Waste Management, Vienna University of Technology, A - 1040 Vienna, Karlsplatz 13/E 226, Austria (E-mail: [email protected])

Tóm tắt

To show the impact of sensor behaviour on the control result, four strategies for aeration control are tested using different sensor characteristics. It is demonstrated, on the one hand, how an increasing response time will limit the achievable control quality and, on the other hand, how a given sensor characteristic can be taken into account for the controller design. The presented tests show that an improvement potential by control for WWTPs is available but this potential is limited compared to proper DO control with fixed set-points. To activate this control potential, sufficient control authority must be available and a careful control design is required. It can be shown that using feedback control, sensors with a small response time have significant advantages compared to conventional sensors. Using feed forward control, the improvement potential by control is considerably higher and additionally, the sensor delay can be integrated into the controller design. The presented discussion is based on simulation studies performed on a standardised benchmark case. For these tests it was necessary to include sensor models into the simulation model. It can be stated that the usage of sensor models is necessary for the application of dynamic simulation for the design and evaluation of WWTP control and in general to achieve realistic results.

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