Prediction of Thermal Instability-Initiated Performance Losses by Nanocomposite Structure Elements Under Cyclic Loading

Strength of Materials - Tập 49 - Trang 635-651 - 2017
M. Hashemi1, Ya. A. Zhuk1
1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

Tóm tắt

The method of predicting thermal instability-initiated performance losses by nanocomposite structure elements is developed. It is based on the model of monoharmonic approximation of the material response to cyclic loading, amplitude ratios between main field variables, and concept of complex moduli. The methods of evaluating the moduli of accumulation and losses of nanocomposite components as well as the model allowing for the effect of the fiber-matrix contact surface were evolved. The modified homogenization procedure based on the Mori–Tanaka method was elaborated to obtain the complex moduli of a nanocomposite with random or unidirectional nanofiber orientation. Temperature- and amplitude-dependent complex moduli were used to study the effect of dissipative heating on the mechanical stability of a polymer nanocomposite bar under combined static and monoharmonic loadings. The effect of a load amplitude and volume content of nanofibers on the thermal instability of the bar was investigated.

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