Predator-dependent transmissible disease spreading in prey under Holling type-II functional response
Tóm tắt
This paper focusses on developing two species, where only prey species suffers by a contagious disease. We consider the logistic growth rate of the prey population. The interaction between susceptible prey and infected prey with predator is presumed to be ruled by Holling type II and I functional response, respectively. A healthy prey is infected when it comes in direct contact with infected prey, and we also assume that predator-dependent disease spreads within the system. This research reveals that the transmission of this predator-dependent disease can have critical repercussions for the shaping of prey–predator interactions. The solution of the model is examined in relation to survival, uniqueness and boundedness. The positivity, feasibility and the stability conditions of the fixed points of the system are analysed by applying the linearization method and the Jacobian matrix method.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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