Potential of Electron Beams to Control Mycotoxigenic Fungi in Food

Food Engineering Reviews - Tập 7 - Trang 160-170 - 2014
Otniel Freita-Silva1, Patrícia Souza de Oliveira2, Murillo Freire Júnior1
1Embrapa Food Technology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2Postgraduate Program in Food Science and Technology at Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRRJ, Seropédica, Brazil

Tóm tắt

Foods in general are excellent sources for growth of fungi. These microorganisms can infect food and grow whenever the ideal temperature and moisture conditions for the particular species are present, causing large losses during storage. Furthermore, some fungal species produce mycotoxins, which are compounds that are toxic to humans and animals. The use of electron beams has been shown effective in decontaminating foods, packaging materials, plastic articles and surgical and biological materials, among others. The ease of handling, low cost and employment of electricity to generate ionizing radiation instead of radioactive material such as cobalt-60 are factors that have increased the use of this method. Because of the growing use of electron beams on foods to control pathogenic microorganisms, this review focuses on their use to control fungi that produce mycotoxins on foods, covering the suitable doses, effects on food quality, microorganism reduction rates, applications in the food industry and legislation on use and operational safety.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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