Potential markers of preeclampsia – a review

Simon Grill1, Corinne Rusterholz1, Rosanna Zanetti‐Dällenbach2, Sevgi Tercanli2, Wolfgang Holzgreve3, Sinuhe Hahn1, Olav Lapaire2
1Laboratory for Prenatal Medicine and Gynecologic Oncology, Department of Biomedicine, University Hospital of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
2Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospital of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
3University Hospital of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

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Preeclampsia is a leading cause of maternal and fetal/neonatal mortality and morbidity worldwide. The early identification of patients with an increased risk for preeclampsia is therefore one of the most important goals in obstetrics. The availability of highly sensitive and specific physiologic and biochemical markers would allow not only the detection of patients at risk but also permit a close surveillance, an exact diagnosis, timely intervention (e.g. lung maturation), as well as simplified recruitment for future studies looking at therapeutic medications and additional prospective markers. Today, several markers may offer the potential to be used, most likely in a combinatory analysis, as predictors or diagnostic tools. We present here the current knowledge on the biology of preeclampsia and review several biochemical markers which may be used to monitor preeclampsia in a future, that, we hope, is not to distant from today.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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