Postnatal development of the rat organ of Corti

Anatomy and Embryology - Tập 185 - Trang 559-569 - 1992
Birgit Roth1, Volkmar Bruns1
1Zoologisches Institut der J.W. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Federal Republic of Germany

Tóm tắt

The development of the rat organ of Corti was studied during the first postnatal weeks. The temporal and the spatial patterns of cochlear development were investigated between 4 and 24 days after birth by means of semi-thin sections at approx. ten equidistant positions along the entire cochlear duct. At all examined positions width, thickness and cross sectional area of basilar membrane, cross-sectional area of tectorial membrane, of cells of Hensen, Claudius and Boettcher and of the organ of Corti were quantitatively analyzed. The most conspicuous maturational changes occur between 8 and 12 days after birth. These are the detachment of the tectorial membrane, the first appearance of filaments within the basilar membrane, the formation of the tunnel of Corti and the opening of the inner spiral sulcus. Quantitative analysis revealed that structures of a given position along the cochlear duct do not develop synchronously. Width of the basilar membrane and cross-sectional area of the tectorial membrane are already mature at the onset of hearing (10–12 days after birth). Length, thickness and cross-sectional area of the basilar membrane as well as cross-sectional area of the organ of Corti and of the cells of Hensen, Claudius and Boettcher still develop after the onset of hearing (up to 20–24 days after birth). We suggest that basic cochlear function is established by structures which are mature before the onset of hearing. Cochlear structures which develop after the onset of hearing might be involved in this improvement during this period.

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