Pleistocene Terraces of the Alto Henares (Guadalajara), Spain

Quaternary Research - Tập 2 - Trang 473-486 - 1972
Bruce G. Gladfelter1
1University of Illinois, Chicago Circle, USA

Tóm tắt

A suite of four terraces in the upper Rio Henares drainage system (Rio Tajo basin) now provides a partial geomorphological link between the Middle Pleistocene, Lower Paleolithic archeological sites at Ambrona and Torralba (upper Ebro basin) and those in the vicinity of Madrid. The Campiña and Low Terrace features are shown by radiocarbon dating to be of Holocene and Würm ages, respectively, while the Middle and High Terraces are best designated as being Middle and Lower Pleistocene ages, respectively. Stratigraphic relationships between the upper and lower Rio Henares segments need to be established.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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