Pharmacotherapy for Alcohol Dependence: The 2015 Recommendations of the French Alcohol Society, Issued in Partnership with the European Federation of Addiction Societies
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The latest French good practice recommendations (
A four‐member European steering committee defined the questions that were addressed to an 18‐member multiprofessional working group (
The treatment of alcohol dependence consists of either alcohol detoxification or abstinence maintenance programs or drinking reduction programs. The therapeutic objective is the result of a decision made jointly by the physician and the patient.
For alcohol detoxification, benzodiazepines (
For relapse prevention, acamprosate and naltrexone are recommended as first‐line medications (grade A). Disulfiram can be proposed as second‐line option in patients with sufficient information and supervision (
During pregnancy, abstinence is recommended (
First‐line treatments to help maintain abstinence or reduce drinking are off‐label for people under 18 years of age and should thus be considered on a case‐by‐case basis after the repeated failure of psychosocial measures alone (
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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