Perception variability for categorised risk factors

Industrial Management and Data Systems - Tập 112 Số 4 - Trang 600-618 - 2012
UdechukwuOjiako1, ThanosPapadopoulos2, ChonnikarnThumborisuthi1, YunFan Yang1
1School of Management, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
2The Business School, University of Hull, Hull, UK

Tóm tắt


This paper aims to examine how project managers frame variability for categorised risk factors on enterprise resource planning (ERP) projects.


Weighting and selection of the risk factors was undertaken based on an analysis of data (using PASW17), obtained from a random sample of 307 ERP project managers working in Thailand.


The findings suggest that: framing of variability for categorised risk factors in ERP projects is not necessarily culturally bound; both “internal” and “external” risk factors did have a strong impact on ERP project success; and the impact of the degree of inter‐relationships between critical risk and success factors may influence the success of a ERP project.

Practical implications

The authors anticipate that the results will stimulate future research in this area as well as raise the profile of critical success factors for ERP implementation, particularly in developing countries.


The study contributes to a better understanding of the viewpoint of consultants on critical success factors for ERP implementation in the context of a developing country.

Từ khóa

Tài liệu tham khảo

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