Pediatric intracranial pressure monitoring in hypoxic and nonhypoxic brain injury

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 7 - Trang 34-39 - 1991
Peter D. Le Roux1, David S. Jardine2,3, Paul M. Kanev1, John D. Loeser1
1Department of Neurological Surgery, Children's Hospital and Medical Center, Seattle, USA
2Department of Anesthesiology, Children's Hospital and Medical Center, Seattle, USA
3University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, USA

Tóm tắt

We reviewed the results of all pediatric patients undergoing intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring in a 2-year period at our institution. The outcome of patients suffering hypoxia or ischemic injuries (HII) is compared to those suffering non-hypoxic or non-ischemic injuries (NHII). Thirty-four patients had ICP monitors placed during the study period. Inconplete patient information led to the exclusion of 5 patients. An additional 5 patients were excluded because no measures to control ICP were taken after the monitor was placed. Twenty-four patients required treatment for raised ICP (hyperventilation, 24; mannitol, 19; barbiturate coma, 6). Admission Glasgow Coma Score in patients suffering HII (median score 5) and NHII (median score 6) were not significantly different (Mann-Whitney U Test). Only 2 of 8 patients with HII were near-drowning vietims. The remaining 6 had HII from other causes (5 survivors of various forms of asphyxia and 1 of cardiac arrest). All 8 patients had poor outcomes (1 severely disabled; 7 died). The 16 patients with NHII had a variety of diagnoses (6 trauma, 5 encephalitis, 4 bacterial meningitis, 1 diabetic ketoacidosis). Among these, 6 had good outcomes and 10 poor outcomes (2 severely disabled, 2 vegetative, and 6 died). The difference in outcome between patients with NHII and HII is significant at P=0.059 (Fischer Exact test). Patients with NHII may benefit from ICP monitoring. Patients with HII from near-drowning and other causes did not appear to benefit from ICP monitoring and interventions directed at controlling ICP.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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