Paleoprimatological research over the last 50 years: Foci and trends
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Since 1930 the approach to fossil primates has undergone a twofold revolution, in more advanced taxonomic thinking, and in the growth of studies relating living primates to the interpretation of past forms. Great strides have also been made in discovering primate fossils–in 1930 there were some 58 genera of extinct primates known, and since then more than 65 new genera have been named. A major aspect of paleoprimatological research today is multidisciplinary field projects, which have accounted for a fuller understanding of dating and context. The application of functional morphology to aspects of primate evolution has allowed better understanding of primate locomotion, diet, and behavior.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
Andrews PJ, 1978, A revision of the Miocene Hominoidea of East Africa, Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Geology Series, 30, 85
Andrews PJ, 1980, A revision of the Turkish Miocene hominoid Sivapithecus meteai, Paleontology, 23, 85
Basmajian JV, 1974, Muscles Alive: Their Functions Revealed by Electromyography
de Bonis L, 1977, Un nouveau genre de Primate hominoide dans le Vallesien (Miocene superieur) de Macedoine, C.R. Acad. Sci. [D] (Paris), 284, 1393
de Bonis L, 1978, Les Primates hominoides du Miocene superieur de Macedoine. Etude de la machoire superieure, Ann. Paleontol., 64, 185
Boyde A, 1971, Dental Morphology and Evolution, 81
Cartmill M, 1972, The Functional and Evolutionary Biology of Primates, 97
Cartmill M, 1978, Recent Advances in Primatology, Vol. 3: Evolution, 205
Conroy GC, 1976, Primate postcranial remains from the Oligocene of Egypt, Contrib. Primatol., 8, 1
Delson E(1973)Fossil Colobine Monkeys of the Circum‐Mediterranean Region and the Evolutionary History of the Cercopithecidae (Primates Mammalia). Ph.D. Thesis Columbia University New York.
Fleagle JG, 1977, Locomotor behavior and skeletal anatomy of sympatric Malaysian Leaf‐Monkeys (Presbytis obscura and Presbytis melalophos), Yrbk. Phys. Anthropol., 20, 440
Fleagle JG, 1979, Environment, Behavior, and Morphology: Dynamic Interactions in Primates, 313
Gazin CL, 1958, A review of the middle and upper Eocene primates of North America, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 136, 1
Gingerich PD, 1976, Cranial anatomy and evolution of early Tertiary Plesiadapidae (Mammalia, Primates), Mus. Paleontol. Univ. Mich. Papers on Paleontol., 15, 1
Hershkovitz P, 1977, New World Monkeys (Platyrrhini)
Kay RF, 1978, Development, Function and Evolution of Teeth, 309
Kay RF, 1982, New Interpretations of Ape and Human Ancestry
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Napier JR, 1959, The forelimb skeleton and associated remains of Proconsul africanus. Fossil Mammals of Africa, Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), 16, 1
Pilbeam D, 1969, Tertiary Pongidae of East Africa: Evolutionary relationships and taxonomy, Yale Peabody Mus. Bull., 31, 1
Pilbeam DR, 1980, Miocene hominoids from Pakistan, Postilla, 181, 1
Rose KD, 1975, The Carpolestidae, Early Tertiary primates from North America, Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Bull., 147, 1
Rosenberger AC(1979)Phylogeny Evolution and Classification of New World Monkeys (Platyrrhini Primates). Ph.D. Dissertation City University of New York.
Sheine WS(1979)The Effect of Variations in Molar Morphology on Masticatory Effectiveness and Digestion of Cellulose in Prosimian Primates. Ph.D. Dissertation Duke University.
Simons EL, 1961, Notes on Eocene tarsioids and a revision of some Necrolemurinae, Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist) Geol., 5, 43
Simons EL, 1962, Two new primate species from the African Oligocene, Postilla, 64, 1
Simons EL, 1970, Old World Monkeys, 97
Simons EL, 1972, Primate Evolution: An Introduction to Man's Place in Nature
Simons EL, 1974, Parapithecus grangeri (Parapithecidae, Old World higher primates): New species from the Oligocene of Egypt and the initial differentiation of Cercopithecoidea, Postilla, 166, 1
Simons EL, 1960, Notes on the cranial anatomy of Necrolemur, Breviora, 127, 1
Simpson GG, 1955, The Phenacolemuridae, new family of early Primates, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 105, 415
Stern JT, 1977, Electromyography of some muscles of the upper limb in Ateles and Lagothrix, Yrbk. Phys. Anthropol., 20, 498
Szalay FS, 1969, Uintasoricinae, a new subfamily of Tertiary mammals (?Primates), Am. Mus. Nov., 2636, 1
Szalay FS, 1976, Systematics of the Omomyidae (Tarsiiformes, Primates): Taxonomy, phylogeny and adaptations, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 156, 157
Szalay FS, 1979, Evolutionary History of the Primates
Tuttle RH, 1978, Recent advances in Primatology, 463
Xu Q, 1980, The Lufeng ape skull and its significance, China Reconstructs, 29, 56