Oxytropism: a new twist in pollen tube orientation

Planta - Tập 213 - Trang 318-322 - 2014
J. Blasiak1, D. L. Mulcahy1, M. E. Musgrave1
1Biology Department, 221 Morrill Science Center 3,University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01002, USA, USA

Tóm tắt

Chemical gradients and structural features within the pistil have been previously proposed as factors determining the directionality of pollen tube growth. In this study, we examine the behavior of pollen of eight species germinated in a dynamic oxygen gradient. While the germination rates of some species decreased directly with decreasing oxygen tension, other species showed no decrease in germination at oxygen tensions as low as 2 kPa. In one species, germination was consistently greater at decreased oxygen tensions than at ambient atmospheric levels. In three of the eight species tested, the developing pollen tube showed clear directional growth away from the more-oxygenated regions of the growth medium, while in one species growth was towards the more-oxygenated region. The remaining four species showed random tube growth. The pattern of oxytropic responses among the taxa suggests that this tropic behavior is both widespread and phylogenetically unpredictable.