Oscillations and Multiple Equilibria in Microvascular Blood Flow

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 77 - Trang 1377-1400 - 2015
Nathaniel J. Karst1, Brian D. Storey2, John B. Geddes2
1Babson College, Babson Park, USA
2Olin College, Needham, USA

Tóm tắt

We investigate the existence of oscillatory dynamics and multiple steady-state flow rates in a network with a simple topology and in vivo microvascular blood flow constitutive laws. Unlike many previous analytic studies, we employ the most biologically relevant models of the physical properties of whole blood. Through a combination of analytic and numeric techniques, we predict in a series of two-parameter bifurcation diagrams a range of dynamical behaviors, including multiple equilibria flow configurations, simple oscillations in volumetric flow rate, and multiple coexistent limit cycles at physically realizable parameters. We show that complexity in network topology is not necessary for complex behaviors to arise and that nonlinear rheology, in particular the plasma skimming effect, is sufficient to support oscillatory dynamics similar to those observed in vivo.

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