Online optical marker-based hand tracking with deep labels

ACM Transactions on Graphics - Tập 37 Số 4 - Trang 1-10 - 2018
Shangchen Han1, Beibei Liu1, Robert Wang1, Yuting Ye1, Christopher D. Twigg1, Kenrick Kin1
1Facebook Reality Labs

Tóm tắt

Optical marker-based motion capture is the dominant way for obtaining high-fidelity human body animation for special effects, movies, and video games. However, motion capture has seen limited application to the human hand due to the difficulty of automatically identifying (or labeling) identical markers on self-similar fingers. We propose a technique that frames the labeling problem as a keypoint regression problem conducive to a solution using convolutional neural networks. We demonstrate robustness of our labeling solution to occlusion, ghost markers, hand shape, and even motions involving two hands or handheld objects. Our technique is equally applicable to sparse or dense marker sets and can run in real-time to support interaction prototyping with high-fidelity hand tracking and hand presence in virtual reality.

Từ khóa

Tài liệu tham khảo

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