On hearing the shape of a drum: an extension to higher dimensions

R. T. Waechter1
1Department of Mathematics, University College London, Gower Street, London, W.C.1

Tóm tắt

The inverse eigenvalue problem for vibrating membranes (4), may also be examined in three or more dimensions. Let us suppose that λn are the eigen values of the problem

where Ω is a closed convex region or body in En and S is the bounding surface of Ω. The basic problem is to determine the precise shape of Ω on being given the spectrum of eigenvalues λn. In analogy with the membrane problem, it is clear that the trace function may be constructed in identical fashion; thus

where G(r, r', t) is the Green's function of the diffusion equation

and satisfies the Dirichiet condition G(r, r', t) = 0, r∈S, and the initial condition G(r, r', t) → δ(r–r') as t → 0.

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