Về tính bền vững trong hiệu suất quỹ tương hỗ
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Sử dụng một mẫu không có thiên kiến sinh tồn, tôi chứng minh rằng các yếu tố chung trong lợi tức cổ phiếu và chi phí đầu tư gần như hoàn toàn giải thích tính bền vững trong lợi tức trung bình và lợi tức điều chỉnh theo rủi ro của các quỹ tương hỗ cổ phiếu. Kết quả “bàn tay nóng” của
Từ khóa
Tài liệu tham khảo
Asness Clifford S. 1994 Variables that explain stock returns Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation Graduate School of Business University of Chicago Chicago Ill.
Asness Clifford S. JohnM. Liew andRossL. Stevens 1996 Parallels between the cross‐sectional predictability of stock and country returns Working paper Goldman Sachs.
Carhart Mark M. 1992 Persistence in mutual fund performance re‐examined Working paper Graduate School of Business University of Chicago Chicago Ill.
Carhart Mark M. 1995a Survivor bias and persistence in mutual fund performance Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation Graduate School of Business University of Chicago Chicago Ill.
Carhart Mark M. 1995b Survivor bias and mutual fund performance Working paper School of Business Administration University of Southern California Los Angeles Cal.
Carhart Mark M. RobertJ. Krail RossL. Stevens andKellyD. Welch 1996 Testing the conditional CAPM Working paper Graduate School of Business University of Chicago Chicago Ill.
Chan Louis K.C. NarasimhanJegadeesh andJosefLakonishok 1996 Momentum strategies Forthcoming Journal of Finance.
Christopherson Jon A. WayneE. Ferson andDebraA. Glassman 1995 Conditioning manager alphas on economic information: Another look at the persistence of performance Working paper University of Washington School of Business Administration Seattle Wash.
Grinblatt Mark, 1992, The persistence of mutual fund performance, Journal of Finance, 42, 1977, 10.1111/j.1540-6261.1992.tb04692.x
Grinblatt Mark, 1995, Momentum investment strategies, portfolio performance, and herding: A study of mutual fund behavior, American Economic Review, 85, 1088
Wermers Russ 1996 Momentum investment strategies of mutual funds performance persistence and survivorship bias Working paper Graduate School of Business and Administration University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder Col.