Oily wastewaters treatment using Pseudomonas sp. isolated from the compost fertilizer

Abooalfazl Azhdarpoor1, B Mortazavi2, Gholamreza Moussavi2
1Department of Environment Health Engineering, Faculty of Health, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
2Department of Environment Health Engineering, Faculty of Medical, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

Tóm tắt

Abstract Background Discharging the oily wastewater in the environment causes serious problems, because of the oil compounds and organic materials presence. Applying biological methods using the lipase enzyme producer microorganisms can be an appropriate choice for treatment of these wastewaters. The aim of this study is to treat those oil wastewaters having high concentration of oil by applying lipase enzyme producer bacteria. Materials and methods Oil concentration measurement was conducted using the standard method of gravimetric and the wastewater under study was synthetically made and contained olive, canola and sunflower oil. The strain used in this study was Pseudomonas strain isolated from compost fertilizer. The oil under study had concentration of 1.5 to 22 g/l. Results The oil removal amount in concentrations lower than 8.4 g/l was over 95 ± 1.5%. Increase of the oil's concentration to 22 g/l decreases the amount of removal in retention time of 44 hours to 85 ± 2.5%. The best yield of removing this strain in retention time of 44 hours and temperature of 30°C was achieved using Ammonium Nitrate as the nitrogen resource which yield was about 95 percent. Conclusion The findings of the research showed that Pseudomonas bacteria isolated from the compost fertilizer can degrade high concentration oils.

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