Observed Ward Behavior Strongly Associated with Independent Living Skills: An Analysis of Convergent and Criterion-Related Validity of the NOSIE and the ILSI

Elizabeth A. Cook1, Charlie A. Davidson1, Jeffrey R. Nolting1,2, William D. Spaulding1
1Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, USA
2Fulton State Hospital, Fulton, USA

Tóm tắt

Ratings of ward behavior and skill acquisition are important criteria for monitoring an individual’s recovery trajectory during inpatient psychiatric rehabilitation. This study compared data from the Nurses’ Observational Scale for Inpatient Evaluation (NOSIE) and the Independent Living Skills Inventory (ILSI) to identify relationships between ward behaviors and independent living skills and to support the convergent validity of these instruments. The criterion-related validity of the instruments in their relationships with time in program (TIP) and number of previous hospitalizations (#HOSP) was also investigated. NOSIE “positive” subscales were more strongly related to living skills than NOSIE “negative” subscales. The NOSIE and the ILSI predicted TIP and postdicted #HOSP equally well. Implications for assessment and recommendations for future research are discussed.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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