Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment




Cơ quản chủ quản:  SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS , Springer New York

Lĩnh vực:
Clinical Psychology

Phân tích ảnh hưởng

Thông tin về tạp chí


Các bài báo tiêu biểu

The SF-36 Among Cambodian and Vietnamese Refugees: An Examination of Psychometric Properties
Tập 29 - Trang 38-45 - 2006
Devon E. Hinton, Samuel J. Sinclair, Rita C.-Y. Chung, Mark H. Pollack
Among traumatized Cambodian (N=90) and Vietnamese (N=94) refugees attending a psychiatric clinic, the study examined the validity and psychometric properties of the Short Form-36 Health Survey (SF-36), a measure of self-perceived mental and physical health. In both patient samples, all eight SF-36 scales displayed excellent internal consistency (item-scale correlations and Cronbach's α). But, similar to other studies of Asian samples, (a) the Vitality (VT) scale did not separate from the Mental Health (MH) and General Health (GH) scales, as evidenced by item-scale and interscale correlations, and (b) the VT scale loaded as strongly (Vietnamese sample) or more strongly (Cambodian sample) than the MH scale on the so-called Mental Factor in a two-factor solution of the eight scales (with the GH scale also loading heavily on the same factor).
Poor Mnemonic Discrimination Predicts Overgeneralization of Fear
Tập 43 - Trang 152-161 - 2020
Emily E. Bernstein, Floor van der Does, Scott P. Orr, Richard J. McNally
Anxiety disorders are characterized by difficulty distinguishing safe contexts from previous or imagined threats. Conditioned fears spread beyond what is reasonable or adaptive, leading to broad and interfering anxieties when people overgeneralize their fears. Difficulties with mnemonic discrimination, a component process of memory supporting the integration of old and new experiences, may foster overgeneralization and increase risk for anxiety disorders. Individuals along a spectrum of anxiety severity (n = 117) completed a differential fear conditioning paradigm and the computerized Mnemonic Similarity Task. The task measures mnemonic discrimination by requiring individuals to differentiate between highly similar old and new entities. We predicted that low mnemonic discrimination would be associated with overgeneralization, i.e., flatter slopes of change in response to stimuli increasingly dissimilar to the conditioned stimulus. Conditional growth models showed that as expected, participants with the highest mnemonic discrimination scores also exhibited the steepest declines in fear ratings as stimuli increasingly differed from the conditioned stimulus. Results were unchanged after adjusting for recognition memory, self-reported anxiety, and clinical diagnoses and symptoms. Results support the hypothesis that memory interference (i.e., low mnemonic discrimination) could increase vulnerability for overgeneralization. Findings justify additional exploration of mnemonic discrimination and its role in anxious psychopathology.
The Role of Emotion Dysregulation in the Links Between Sibling Victimization and Internalizing Symptoms in Middle Childhood
- 2022
Paula J. Fite, John L. Cooley, Elizabeth C. Tampke, Daryl R. Hesse, Rachael Doyle
Consistently Inconsistent Working Memory Performance Among Children with ADHD: Evidence of Response Accuracy Variability (RAV)
Tập 44 - Trang 787-799 - 2022
Lauren M. Friedman, Mark D. Rapport, Gabrielle Fabrikant-Abzug
Heterogeneity in cognitive performance, once regarded as noise, is now considered a causal mechanism or core deficit of ADHD and its related symptoms in most etiological models of the disorder. Previous research on cognitive performance variability has documented increased heterogeneity in response latencies using reaction time data. In contrast, variability in response accuracy remains understudied. The present study is the first to examine Response Accuracy Variability (RAV) among children with ADHD. Children with ADHD (N = 54) and typically developing children (N = 50) completed phonological working memory tasks with four set size conditions. RAV was calculated for each set size using the adjusted coefficient of variation (ζ). Results from a mixed model ANOVA indicated that children with ADHD evinced significantly greater variation in working memory performance relative to typically developing children when engaged in tasks within their cognitive capacity (i.e., set sizes 3 and 4), whereas all children exhibit similar, high levels of variability on tasks that exceeded their cognitive capacity (i.e., set sizes 5 and 6). Findings are aligned with the extant literature in documenting consistently inconsistent cognitive performance among children ADHD.
An Intensive Summer Treatment Program for ADHD Reduces Parent–Adolescent Conflict
Tập 35 - Trang 10-19 - 2012
Margaret H. Sibley, J. Megan Ross, Elizabeth M. Gnagy, Laura J. Dixon, Bradfield Conn, William E. Pelham
There are currently almost no treatment efforts to reduce parent–adolescent conflict in adolescents with ADHD. As such, this study investigated the effect of an intensive Summer Treatment Program for Adolescents with ADHD (STP-A) on parent–adolescent conflict. Twenty adolescents and their parents completed the 8 week behavioral treatment program, which included 320 hours of adolescent-directed treatment, 15 hours of parent behavior management training, and daily feedback from staff on parent implementation of a home-based behavioral contract. Results indicated that 70–85 % of adolescents who attended the STP-A demonstrated reliable improvement in parent–adolescent conflict from baseline to post-treatment. Treatment response was associated with higher levels of conflict at baseline, but not adolescent ODD severity or parent ADHD severity. Several patterns of treatment non-response were detected through visual examination of weekly conflict scores during the STP-A. Discussion suggests that intensive, parent-involved treatment programs may be necessary to improve home-conflict in adolescents with ADHD.
The Moral Disengagement Scale: Extension with an American Minority Sample
Tập 26 Số 1 - Trang 31-39 - 2004
Jennifer Pelton, Mary Gound, Rex Forehand, Gene H. Brody
Speed-Accuracy Tradeoffs on an Affective Lexical Decision Task: Implications for the Affect Regulation Theory of Psychopathy
Tập 40 - Trang 412-418 - 2018
Jennifer Vitale, David S. Kosson, Zachary Resch, Joseph P. Newman
Evidence for performance deficits in psychopathic offenders on emotional processing tasks have been documented. However, studies that show performance improvements or elimination of anomalies under certain conditions are not consistent with a general insensitivity to emotion stimuli. The current study tests the hypothesis set forth by the Affect Regulation Theory (Penney and Kosson, manuscript submitted to Clinical Psychological Science) that psychopathic participants’ performance on an affective lexical decision task will reflect a speed-accuracy trade-off wherein accuracy on emotion-word trials correlates with response latency among psychopathic participants but not controls. Participants were 86 incarcerated male offenders divided into three groups using scores on the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised and DSM-IV criteria for ASPD (non-ASPD/non-psychopathic, ASPD/non-psychopathic; and ASPD + psychopathic). There was a significant Group x Response latency interaction for negative word trials, with greater accuracy associated with slower response times on negative word trials for ASPD + psychopathic individuals but not for the other groups. The implications of these results for hypotheses about emotional functioning in psychopathic offenders and for the recently proposed ART are discussed.
The Depressive Attributions Questionnaire (DAQ): Development of a Short Self-Report Measure of Depressogenic Attributions
Tập 33 Số 3 - Trang 375-385 - 2011
Birgit Kleim, Désirée Gonzalo, Anke Ehlers
Mindfulness Moderates the Relationship Between Disordered Eating Cognitions and Disordered Eating Behaviors in a Non-Clinical College Sample
Tập 34 - Trang 107-115 - 2011
Akihiko Masuda, Matthew Price, Robert D. Latzman
Psychological flexibility and mindfulness are two related, but distinct, regulation processes that have been shown to be at the core of psychological wellbeing. The current study investigated whether these two processes independently moderated the association between disordered eating cognitions and psychological distress as well as the relation between disordered eating cognitions and disordered eating behaviors. Non-clinical, ethnically diverse college undergraduates completed a web-based survey. Of 278 participants (nfemale = 208; nmale = 70) aged 18–24 years old, disordered eating cognitions, mindfulness, and psychological flexibility were related to psychological distress after controlling for gender, ethnicity, and body mass index. Disordered eating cognitions and mindfulness accounted for unique variance in disordered eating behaviors. Finally, mindfulness was found to moderate the association between disordered eating cognitions and disordered eating behaviors.