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Song Bai , Xiang Bai , Zhichao Zhou , Zhaoxiang Zhang , and Longin Jan Latecki . 2016 . GIFT: A real-time and scalable 3D shape search engine. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). Song Bai, Xiang Bai, Zhichao Zhou, Zhaoxiang Zhang, and Longin Jan Latecki. 2016. GIFT: A real-time and scalable 3D shape search engine. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Davide Boscaini , Jonathan Masci , Emanuele Rodolà , and Michael M . Bronstein . 2016 . Learning shape correspondence with anisotropic convolutional neural networks. In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) . Davide Boscaini, Jonathan Masci, Emanuele Rodolà, and Michael M. Bronstein. 2016. Learning shape correspondence with anisotropic convolutional neural networks. In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS).
Andrew Brock Theodore Lim J.M. Ritchie and Nick Weston. 2016. Generative and discriminative voxel modeling with convolutional neural networks. In 3D deep learning workshop (NIPS). Andrew Brock Theodore Lim J.M. Ritchie and Nick Weston. 2016. Generative and discriminative voxel modeling with convolutional neural networks. In 3D deep learning workshop (NIPS).
M. M. Bronstein , J. Bruna , Y. LeCun , A. Szlam , and P. Vandergheynst . 2017. Geometric deep learning: going beyond Euclidean data . IEEE Sig. Proc. Magazine ( 2017 ). M. M. Bronstein, J. Bruna, Y. LeCun, A. Szlam, and P. Vandergheynst. 2017. Geometric deep learning: going beyond Euclidean data. IEEE Sig. Proc. Magazine (2017).
Angel X. Chang Thomas Funkhouser Leonidas Guibas Pat Hanrahan Qixing Huang Zimo Li Silvio Savarese Manolis Savva Shuran Song Hao Su Jianxiong Xiao Li Yi and Fisher Yu. 2015. ShapeNet: an information-rich 3D model repository. arXiv:1512.03012 [cs.GR]. (2015). Angel X. Chang Thomas Funkhouser Leonidas Guibas Pat Hanrahan Qixing Huang Zimo Li Silvio Savarese Manolis Savva Shuran Song Hao Su Jianxiong Xiao Li Yi and Fisher Yu. 2015. ShapeNet: an information-rich 3D model repository. arXiv:1512.03012 [cs.GR]. (2015).
Kumar Chellapilla , Sidd Puri , and Patrice Simard . 2006 . High performance convolutional neural networks for document processing . In International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR). Kumar Chellapilla, Sidd Puri, and Patrice Simard. 2006. High performance convolutional neural networks for document processing. In International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR).
Ian Goodfellow , Yoshua Bengio , and Aaron Courville . 2016. Deep Learning . MIT Press . Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville. 2016. Deep Learning. MIT Press.
Philipp Krähenbühl and Vladlen Koltun. 2011. Efficient inference in fully connected CRFs with gaussian edge potentials. In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS). Philipp Krähenbühl and Vladlen Koltun. 2011. Efficient inference in fully connected CRFs with gaussian edge potentials. In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS).
Philipp Krähenbühl and Vladlen Koltun . 2013 . Parameter learning and convergent inference for dense random fields . In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 513--521 . Philipp Krähenbühl and Vladlen Koltun. 2013. Parameter learning and convergent inference for dense random fields. In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 513--521.
Yangyan Li , Soeren Pirk , Hao Su , Charles R. Qi , and Leonidas J . Guibas . 2016 . FPNN: field probing neural networks for 3D data. In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) . Yangyan Li, Soeren Pirk, Hao Su, Charles R. Qi, and Leonidas J. Guibas. 2016. FPNN: field probing neural networks for 3D data. In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS).
Sergey Loffe and Christian Szegedy . 2015 . Batch Normalization: accelerating deep network training by reducing internal covariate shift . In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 448--456 . Sergey Loffe and Christian Szegedy. 2015. Batch Normalization: accelerating deep network training by reducing internal covariate shift. In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 448--456.
Jonathan Long Evan Shelhamer and Trevor Darrell. 2015. Fully convolutional models for semantic segmentation. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). Jonathan Long Evan Shelhamer and Trevor Darrell. 2015. Fully convolutional models for semantic segmentation. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Charles R. Qi , Hao Su , Kaichun Mo , and Leonidas J . Guibas . 2017 . PointNet: Deep learning on point sets for 3D classification and segmentation. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) . Charles R. Qi, Hao Su, Kaichun Mo, and Leonidas J. Guibas. 2017. PointNet: Deep learning on point sets for 3D classification and segmentation. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Gernot Riegler , Ali Osman Ulusoy, and Andreas Geiger . 2017 . OctNet: Learning deep 3D representations at high resolutions. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) . Gernot Riegler, Ali Osman Ulusoy, and Andreas Geiger. 2017. OctNet: Learning deep 3D representations at high resolutions. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
M. Savva , F. Yu , Hao Su , M. Aono , B. Chen , D. Cohen-Or , W. Deng , Hang Su , S. Bai , X. Bai , N. Fish , J. Han , E. Kalogerakis , E. G. Learned-Miller , Y. Li , M. Liao , S. Maji , A. Tatsuma , Y. Wang , N. Zhang , and Z. Zhou 4. 2016 . SHREC'16 Track - Large-scale 3D shape retrieval from ShapeNet Core55 . In Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval. M. Savva, F. Yu, Hao Su, M. Aono, B. Chen, D. Cohen-Or, W. Deng, Hang Su, S. Bai, X. Bai, N. Fish, J. Han, E. Kalogerakis, E. G. Learned-Miller, Y. Li, M. Liao, S. Maji, A. Tatsuma, Y. Wang, N. Zhang, and Z. Zhou 4. 2016. SHREC'16 Track - Large-scale 3D shape retrieval from ShapeNet Core55. In Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval.
Z. Wu S. Song A. Khosla F. Yu L. Zhang X. Tang and J. Xiao. 2015. 3D ShapeNets: A deep representation for volumetric shape modeling. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). Z. Wu S. Song A. Khosla F. Yu L. Zhang X. Tang and J. Xiao. 2015. 3D ShapeNets: A deep representation for volumetric shape modeling. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Li Yi , Vladimir G. Kim , Duygu Ceylan , I- Chao Shen , Mengyan Yan , Hao Su , Cewu Lu , Qixing Huang , Alla Sheffer , and Leonidas Guibas . 2016 . A scalable active framework for region annotation in 3D shape collections . ACM Trans. Graph. (SIGGRAPH ASIA) 35 , 6 (2016), 210:1--210:12. Li Yi, Vladimir G. Kim, Duygu Ceylan, I-Chao Shen, Mengyan Yan, Hao Su, Cewu Lu, Qixing Huang, Alla Sheffer, and Leonidas Guibas. 2016. A scalable active framework for region annotation in 3D shape collections. ACM Trans. Graph. (SIGGRAPH ASIA) 35, 6 (2016), 210:1--210:12.
Li Yi Hao Su Xingwen Guo and Leonidas Guibas. 2017. SyncSpecCNN: synchronized spectral CNN for 3D shape segmentation. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). Li Yi Hao Su Xingwen Guo and Leonidas Guibas. 2017. SyncSpecCNN: synchronized spectral CNN for 3D shape segmentation. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).