Notes on entropic characteristics of quantum channels

Central European Journal of Physics - Tập 11 - Trang 69-77 - 2012
Alexey E. Rastegin1
1Department of Theoretical Physics, Irkutsk State University Irkutsk, Irkutsk, Russia

Tóm tắt

One of most important issues in quantum information theory concerns transmission of information through noisy quantum channels. We discuss a few channel characteristics expressed by means of generalized entropies. Such characteristics can often be treated in line with more usual treatment based on the von Neumann entropies. For any channel, we show that the q-average output entropy of degree q ≥ 1 is bounded from above by the q-entropy of the input density matrix. The concavity properties of the (q, s)-entropy exchange are considered. Fano type quantum bounds on the (q, s)-entropy exchange are derived. We also give upper bounds on the map (q, s)-entropies in terms of the output entropy, corresponding to the completely mixed input.

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