Nonsense passage reading as a diagnostic aid in the study of adult familial dyslexia

Reading and Writing - Tập 2 - Trang 161-173 - 1990
K. Gross-Glenn1, Bonnie Jallad1, Loriana Novoa2, Valerie Helgren-Lempesis3, H. A. Lubs1
1Mailman Center for Child Development, University of Miami, School of Medicine, Miami, USA
2Dept. of Special Education, Florida International University, Miami, USA
3Dept. of Education, California State University at Hayward, Hayward, USA

Tóm tắt

We examined Nonsense-Passage oral reading in adults, using data derived from new and previously published studies (Finucci et al 1976, Gross-Glenn et al 1985). Time-scores and error-frequency data are presented for five samples of non-dyslexic readers with a minimum of a high-school education and no childhood history of dyslexia (N=127). Considerable uniformity is demonstrated across these samples, and reading performance of non-dyslexic individuals contrasts sharply with that observed in four samples of adult familial dyslexics. Both affected and compensated-affected dyslexic subjects read the passages significantly more slowly and with more errors than did nondyslexic readers. Results are discussed in relation to the cognitive and neural processes that may underlie this specific reading difficulty in dyslexics. We have found Nonsense-Passage reading to be especially useful in family studies of inherited dyslexia as a means of quantifying oral reading deficits in adults who have learned to compensate for their children reading difficulties.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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