Neural Maturational Delay as a Link in the Chain of Events Leading to SIDS
Tóm tắt
Although numerous etiological or triggering factors have been suggested in sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), the underlying mechanism of death is ultimately cardiac and/or respiratory in nature. As there is no evidence of lung or heart abnormalities, attention has focussed on the neural control of respiration and cardiac function. It is important to appreciate the methodological limitations involved in utilizing autopsy material and the criteria for selection of appropriate controls. This report reviews the pathological evidence for developmental delay in SIDS emphasizing delay of neural maturation of both myelination and synapses. Other abnormalities of the nervous system apparently associated with hypoxia-ischemia such as brainstem astrogliosis are also discussed. The occurrence of SIDS at a precise age together with our preliminary studies indicate that neural developmental delay is an important link in the chain of events leading to SIDS.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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