Natural course and prognosis of HLA-B27-positive oligoarthritis

Clinical Rheumatology - Tập 6 - Trang 83-86 - 1987
M. Schattenkirchner1, K. Krüger1
1Rheumatism Unit, University of Munich, München 2, FRG

Tóm tắt

A long-term follow-up of 119 patients with the descriptive diagnosis of B27-positive oligoarthritis showed that after a time between months to several years about half of the patients with this condition develop a definite disease of the seronegative spondarthritis group, especially ankylosing spondylitis. Another great part of the patients go into a complete and presumably persistent remission of their arthritis. After a follow-up time of 8 to 12 years, about 10% present a recurrent B27-associated oligoarthritis with some special clinical features. It is to be discussed whether this condition is a separate disease entity or still an abortive form of a well-known disease of the seronegative spondarthritis group.