Muslim religiosity and purchase intention of different categories of Islamic financial products

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 21 - Trang 141-152 - 2016
Farhana Tahmida Newaz, Kim-Shyan Fam1, Revti Raman Sharma
1School of Marketing and International Business, Victoria Business School, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

Tóm tắt

Considering the rapid growth of Islamic Financial Products (IFPs) worldwide and the limited research on Muslims’ buying behaviour of such products, this research examines the relationship between religiosity, consumer buying attitude and purchase intention towards different categories of IFPs. The findings suggest that buying attitude has full mediation for deposit, credit and capital market products and partial mediation for insurance products on the association between Muslim religiosity and their purchase intention. Interestingly, religiosity influenced positively even for insurance and capital market products. This is in contrast with our hypothesised relationships for capital and insurance products. The study contributes to the literature by enhancing our understanding of the complex mediating religiosity – buying attitude – purchase intention relationships for different categories of IFPs.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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