Multiscale Methods for Composites: A Review

Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering - Tập 16 - Trang 31-75 - 2009
P. Kanouté1, D. P. Boso2, J. L. Chaboche1, B. A. Schrefler2
1The French Aerospace Lab, Châtillon, France
2Department of Structural and Transportation Engineering, University of Padua, Padua, Italy

Tóm tắt

Various multiscale methods are reviewed in the context of modelling mechanical and thermomechanical responses of composites. They are developed both at the material level and at the structural analysis level, considering sequential or integrated kinds of approaches. More specifically, such schemes like periodic homogenization or mean field approaches are compared and discussed, especially in the context of non linear behaviour. Some recent developments are considered, both in terms of numerical methods (like FE2) and for more analytical approaches based on Transformation Field Analysis, considering both the homogenization and relocalisation steps in the multiscale methodology. Several examples are shown.

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