Mothers' Representations of Their Infants Assessed Prenatally: Stability and Association with Infants' Attachment Classifications

Diane Benoit1, Kevin C. H. Parker2, Charles H. Zeanah3
1The Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto, Canada
2Kingston General Hospital. Canada
3Louisina State University School of Medicine. New Orleans, U.S.A.

Tóm tắt

The stability and predictive validity of Classifications of mothers' representations of their infants as determined by the Working Model of the Child Interview (WMCI) were examined. Concordance between mothers' representations of their infants assessed prenatally and again one year later and infant Strange Situation (SS) attachment classifications at 12 months was also examined. WMCI classifications were stable over 12 months in 80% of mothers, compared to 51 % expected by chance alone. Pregnancy WMCIs predicted infant SS classifications in 74% of cases, compared to 54% expected by chance. Concordance between 11‐month WMCI and 12‐month SS classifications was 73 % (vs. 55% expected by chance). Problems with the skewed distribution of the sample, the low concordance between pregnancy and 11 months for one of the three classifications, and future directions for research are discussed.

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