Abstract: We previously developed a new technique for HLA class II genotyping by digestion of polymerase chain reaction‐amplified genes with restriction endonucleases (PCR‐RFLP method). This PCR‐RFLP method is an efficient and convenient typing technique for class II alleles. However, small fragments or bands located close to each other on polyacryl‐amide gels sometimes prevent precise analysis of the RFLP bands. Furthermore, the restriction enzymes we have reported in the previous papers are not sufficient to identify the genotypes of all heterozygous individuals. Here, we report an improved PCR‐RFLP method using some informative restriction enzymes which have either a single cleavage site or, alternatively, no cleavage site in the amplified DNA region, depending on the HLA alleles, making reading of RFLP band patterns much easier. Each second exon of the HLA‐DQA1 or ‐DPB1 gene was selectively amplified from genomic DNAs of 70 HLA‐homozygous B‐cell lines and 100 healthy Japanese by PCR. Amplified DNAs were digested with restriction endonucleases and then subjected to electrophoresis assaying simply for cutting, or no cutting, of the DNA. ApaLI, HphI, BsaJI, Fokl, MboII and Mnll can discriminate eight alleles of the DQA1 gene. Similarly 19 alleles of the DPB1 gene can be discriminated with Bsp1286I, Fokl, Ddel, BsaJI, BssHII, Cfr13I, Rsal, EcoNI, and AvaII enzymes. This modified PCR‐RFLP method can be successfully applied to heterozygotes. Thus, the method is technically simpler and more practical for routine HLA typing work than our previous PCR‐RFLP method.