Modelling of readiness factors for the implementation of Lean Six Sigma in healthcare organizations

International Journal of Lean Six Sigma - Tập 11 Số 4 - Trang 597-633 - 2020
Vijay K. Vaishnavi1, M. Suresh1
1Amrita School of Business, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India

Tóm tắt

Purpose This paper aims to identify, analyze and categorize the major readiness factors for implementing Lean Six Sigma (LSS) in health-care organizations using total interpretive structural modelling technique. The readiness factors are identified would help the managers to recognize the areas that lack and provide importance to the successful implementation of LSS in those areas. The paper further intends to understand the hierarchical interrelationships among the readiness factors identified using dependence and driving power. Design/methodology/approach In total, 16 readiness factors are identified from the literature review and expert opinions are collected from hospitals. The scheduled interview is conducted based on a questionnaire survey in hospitals in the Indian context to identify the relevance of the relations among the readiness factors. The expert opinions are used in the initial reachability matrix and interpretative interaction matrix. Matrix impact cross multiplication applied to classification (MICMAC) analysis uses dependence and driving power to understand the hierarchical relationship among the readiness factors identified. Findings The result indicates that customer-oriented and goal management cultures are the key readiness factors for LSS. The execution technique and training are given according to the current demand of customers and goal change of organization. The manager needs to concentrate more on readiness factors to formulate the execution process of LSS for continuous improvement of the health-care organization. The readiness level helps the manager to identify the target area for LSS execution. Research limitations/implications This research focuses mainly on readiness factors for the implementation of LSS in the health-care industry. Practical implications This study would be useful for researchers and practitioners to understand the readiness factors before starting the implementation process of LSS. Originality/value Many research studies are being done on the success and failure rate of implementation of factors. The present study identifies the readiness factors related to LSS, especially for the health-care industry.

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