Model order reduction assisted by deep neural networks (ROM-net)

Thomas A. Daniel1, Fabien Casenave1, Nissrine Akkari1, David Ryckelynck2
2Mines Paris - PSL (École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris)

Tóm tắt


In this paper, we propose a general framework for projection-based model order reduction assisted by deep neural networks. The proposed methodology, calledROM-net, consists in using deep learning techniques to adapt the reduced-order model to a stochastic input tensor whose nonparametrized variabilities strongly influence the quantities of interest for a given physics problem. In particular, we introduce the concept ofdictionary-based ROM-nets, where deep neural networks recommend a suitable local reduced-order model from a dictionary. The dictionary of local reduced-order models is constructed from a clustering of simplified simulations enabling the identification of the subspaces in which the solutions evolve for different input tensors. The training examples are represented by points on a Grassmann manifold, on which distances are computed for clustering. This methodology is applied to an anisothermal elastoplastic problem in structural mechanics, where the damage field depends on a random temperature field. When using deep neural networks, the selection of the best reduced-order model for a given thermal loading is 60 times faster than when following the clustering procedure used in the training phase.

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