Model of mammalian cell reproductive death II. Comparison with experimental data and discussion

Biophysik - Tập 32 - Trang 295-310 - 1993
G. M. Obaturov1, A. S. Filimonov1, V. V. Moiseenko1
1Medical Radiological Research Centre, Russian Medical Science Academy, Obninsk, Russia

Tóm tắt

A general equation for mammalian cell survival has been derived in the previous paper. This paper presents the results of comparison of theoretical evaluations with survival data available from the literature, including different cell lines, variations in linear energy transfer, dose rate and dose fractionation effects and the effects of ultrasoft X-rays and superheavy ions. Merits and demerits of the model are considered in comparison with other models of radiation-induced killing of mammalian cells published in the literature.

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