Middle‐aged and older employees in Japanese corporations
Tóm tắt
Looks at the long recession the Japanese economy suffered in the 1990s and its ramifications on the employment situation in Japanese corporations. Describes, in general, the current trends in human resource management in corporate Japan which have long‐term implications for management development. In particular, focuses its attention on those white‐collar employees in older age groups who find themselves “trapped” in a “career plateau”. Sees their plight as part of the necessary historic process in a move towards a new corporate society in Japan.
Từ khóa
Tài liệu tham khảo
1.Planning Section, Ministry’s Office, Economic Planning Agency, “Keiki Yosoku Chôsa (Economic Trends Survey), Chôsa Geppô, Tokyo, Vol. 94 No. 2, February 1995, pp. 60‐133.
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3.Editorial, Keizai Tôkei Nenkan, ’95 (Annual Economic Statistics ‐ 1995), Tôyô Keizai Shinposha, Tokyo, 1995, p. 367.
4.Policy Investigation Bureau, Office of the Minister of Labour (ed), Rôdô tôkei yôran (Handbook of Labour Statistics), Printing Bereau, Ministry of Finance, Tokyo, p. 123.
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7.Osawa, M., Tandai, daisotsu Joshi no rôdô shijô no henka (Changes in the Labour Market for Women Graduates of Two‐year Colleges and Universities), Niohn Rôdô Kenkyû Zasshi, Tokyo, October 1993, pp. 24‐33.
8.Asahi Life Insurance (Ed.), in Keizai Geppô, Tokyo, February 1993.
9.Koyô Johô Sentâ (Ed.), Gurafu de miru jinji‐rômukanri kankei shihyô (Personnel Management related Indices in Graphs), Koyô Jôhô Sentâ, Tokyo, March 1992.
10.Ministry of Labour, Koyô Dôkô Chôsa (Employment Trends Survey), Printing Bureau, Ministry of Finance, Tokyo 1990.
11.Kônenreisha Koyô Kaihatsu Kyôkai, Kôrei jûgyôin no ukeire ni kansuru chôsa (A Survey on the Acceptance of Older Workers as Employees), Kônenreisha Koyô Kaihatsu Kyôkai, Tokyo 1988.