Mental health status among Puerto Ricans, Mexican Americans, and Non-Hispanic whites

American Journal of Community Psychology - Tập 20 Số 6 - Trang 729-752 - 1992
Patrick E. Shrout1,2, Glorisa Canino3,4, Héctor R. Bird5,2, Maritza Rubio‐Stipec6, Milagros Bravo7, M. Audrey Burnam8
1Division of BiostatisticsColumbia University Columbia
2New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, USA
3Behavioral Sciences Research InstituteUniversity of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
4Department of PsychologyNew York University Meyer Hall, 6 Washington Place, #401 10003 New YorkNew York
5Department of Child PsychiatryColumbia University Columbia
6Department of Economics and Behavioral Sciences Research InstituteUniversity Of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
7Department of Graduate Studies in Education and Behavioral Sciences Research InstituteUniversity of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
8Social Policy DepartmentRand Corporation USA

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