Mental Health Services in Kentucky Nursing Homes: A Survey of Administrators

Journal of Clinical Geropsychology - Tập 6 - Trang 223-232 - 2000
Suzanne Meeks1, Martin W. Jones1, Vladimir Tikhtman1, Tammi R. La Tourette1
1Department of Psychology, University of Louisville, Louisville

Tóm tắt

National surveys have shown that mental health problems are prevalent in long-term care and suggest that these settings are largely underserved by mental health services. Nursing home administrators are gatekeepers for mental health services in nursing homes. Administrators of Kentucky nursing homes were surveyed regarding their perceptions of mental health problems, current and future services use, satisfaction with services, and need for consultation. The response rate was 24%. Administrators appeared to underestimate mental health problems among residents. Most facilities were using at least one type of mental health service, but fewer residents received services than would be expected given the problem prevalence. Psychological services were underused, in spite of the fact that behavior management stood out as a major need. Psychiatry was more frequently used, but with less satisfaction. Results indicate significant financial and logistical barriers to mental health services. Future work is needed on developing, assessing, and disseminating models of effective service provision to long-term care.

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