Melatonin deprival modifies follicular and corpus luteal growth dynamics in a sheep model

Reproduction - Tập 147 Số 6 - Trang 885-895 - 2014
Maria Elena Manca1, Maria Lucia Manunta1, Antonio Spezzigu1, Laura Torres-Rovira1, Antonio González-Bulnes1, Valeria Pasciu1, Peter Piu1, Giovanni Giuseppe Leoni1, Sara Succu1, Didier Chesneau1, Salvatore Naitana1, Fiammetta Berlinguer1
1Université de Tours, Tours, France

Tóm tắt

This study assessed the effect of melatonin deprival on ovarian status and function in sheep. Experimental procedures were carried out within two consecutive breeding seasons. Animals were divided into two groups: pinealectomised (n=6) and sham-operated (n=6). The completeness of the pineal gland removal was confirmed by the plasma concentration of melatonin. Ovarian status was monitored by ovarian ultrasonography for 1 year to study reproductive seasonality. Follicular and corpus luteal growth dynamics were assessed during an induced oestrous cycle. As the effects of melatonin on the ovary may also be mediated by its antioxidant properties, plasma Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) was determined monthly for 1 year. Pinealectomy significantly extended the breeding season (310±24.7 vs 217.5±24.7 days in controls;P<0.05). Both pinealectomised and sham-operated ewes showed a well-defined wave-like pattern of follicle dynamics; however, melatonin deficiency caused fewer waves during the oestrous cycle (4.3±0.2 vs 5.2±0.2;P<0.05), because waves were 1 day longer when compared with the controls (7.2±0.3 vs 6.1±0.3;P<0.05). The mean area of the corpora lutea (105.4±5.9 vs 65.4±5.9 mm2;P<0.05) and plasma progesterone levels (7.1±0.7 vs 4.9±0.6 ng/ml;P<0.05) were significantly higher in sham-operated ewes compared with pinealectomised ewes. In addition, TEAC values were significantly lower in pinealectomised ewes compared with control ones. These data suggest that melatonin, besides exerting its well-known role in the synchronisation of seasonal reproductive fluctuations, influences the growth pattern of the follicles and the steroidogenic capacity of the corpus luteum.Free Italian abstractAn Italian translation of this abstract is freely available at

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