Measurements of exponential gradients of sodium and chlorine in the rat kidney medulla using the electron microprobe
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Distributions of sodium and chlorine related to both dry mass and wet tissue volume, and the dry mass distribution were determined in antidiuretic rat kidneys. Using the electron microbe, the measurements were made on freezedried single sections taken from 15–20 different regions throughout the kidney including the extreme tip of the papilla. The sections were taken from kidneys which had been clamped and then rapidly frozen to minimize a redistribution of elements and fluids. A characteristic distribution of dry mass was found, showing a step decrease at the transition of outer and inner zone border and an increase towards the tip of papilla. The changes in dry mass have been interpreted as reflecting differences in water content in various regions. The elemental distributions related to dry mass are much different from those related to tissue volume, the latter being considered to be physiologically more important as they approximate the interstitial concentrations. The distributions of sodium and chlorine by volume rise from constant cortex values up to the outer zone-inner zone border, where the profiles show a discontinuity after which they rise exponentially to the tip of the papilla.
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