Marketing aspects of knowledge‐based management in groups of companies: case of Poland
Tóm tắt
This paper focuses on identifying key factors which condition the occurrence of synergies in multi‐entity companies in relation to the application of knowledge management procedures in the marketing and development function.
The factors have been identified as selected knowledge management subsystems and subsequently validated empirically in the groups of companies under review. The questionnaire used as a research tool included 27 questions on the organisation of the key management processes in the area of marketing and development in terms of knowledge management. The research results are described by means of the correlation and median analysis.
Our observations and research findings appear to support a claim that the management of a multiple organisation that allows identification, selection, organisation, dissemination, and transfer of important information between group members is a crucial determinant of synergies and financial performance of a group of companies.
The enterprises in the former Comecon countries had a relatively little time to make important changes in the organisation and management, to improve their effectiveness and competitiveness. In the Polish economic realities, as the privatisation and restructuring processes of the former state‐owned enterprises got under way, one of the ways in which businesses sought to improve performance was to establish groups of companies. We described the hidden effects of this process, which primary was not included to the direct goals of the group establishing process. However, is one of the most important effects of this activity.
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