Maintaining the Flow: Maintenance Service Provision in the Alto Río Lerma Irrigation District, Mexico

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 17 - Trang 47-67 - 2003
Klaus Urban1, Philippus Wester2
1FAO Investment Centre Division, Rome
2Irrigation and Water Engineering Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Tóm tắt

Through irrigation management transfer inMexico poorly functioning governancemechanisms for maintenance were replaced.New actors, new roles, and newresponsibilities in the maintenance ofMexican irrigation systems wereestablished. This article analyzes themaintenance service delivery mechanisms inthe Alto Río Lerma Irrigation District(ARLID), to evaluate if and how theinstitutional arrangements establishedthrough management transfer ensure adequateservice provision. After presenting themain actors currently involved inirrigation maintenance, the rules andregulations underlying the servicerelationships between the actors involvedin maintenance in ARLID are analyzed. Thisis done by detailing how theserelationships are formally organized, howthey work in practice, and which incentivesexist for the service providers to providean efficient service and for the servicerecipient to pro-actively participate inservice provision. We conclude that the newinstitutional framework for maintenanceservice provision is quite coherent andthat the governance mechanisms that havebeen established work well, especiallythose between the farmers and theirorganizations. This has led to improvedmaintenance services.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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