Low-Frequency Negative Resistance in Thin Anodic Oxide Films

Journal of Applied Physics - Tập 33 Số 9 - Trang 2669-2682 - 1962
T. W. Hickmott1
1General Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady, New York

Tóm tắt

Negative resistance and large current densities have been observed in the direct-current—voltage characteristics of five metal-oxide-metal sandwiches prepared from evaporated metal films. The systems studied and their voltages for maximum current are: Al-SiO-Au, 3.1 V; Al-Al2O3-Au, 2.9 V; Ta-Ta2O5-Au, 2.2 V; Zr-ZrO2-Au, 2.1 V; and Ti-TiO2-Au, 1.7 V. For aluminum oxide, which has been most extensively studied, the voltage for maximum current is independent of film thickness for films between 150 and 1000 Å thick; the phenomenon is not field dependent. Peak-to-valley ratios of 30:1 and current densities of 10 A/cm2 are typical. Maximum current densities at peak voltage are 25 A/cm2; minimum current densities are 0.01 A/cm2. Switching time from peak current to valley current is <0.5 μsec but negative resistance is not found for 60-cycle voltages. Establishment of the dc characteristics and dependence on temperature and atmosphere are described. Electron emission from aluminum oxide sandwiches can occur at 2.5 V. Space-charge-limited currents in the insulator provide a possible mechanism for the current-voltage curves and large currents below the voltage for maximum current through the oxide films. The mechanism responsible for negative resistance is uncertain.

Từ khóa

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