Liouville Property for Solutions of the Linearized Degenerate Thin Film Equation of Fourth Order in a Halfspace

Results in Mathematics - Tập 70 - Trang 137-161 - 2015
S. P. Degtyarev1
1Institute for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Donetsk, Ukraine

Tóm tắt

We consider a boundary value problem in a half-space for a linear parabolic equation of fourth order with a degeneration on the boundary of the half-space. The equation under consideration is substantially a linearized thin film equation. We prove that, if the right hand side of the equation and the boundary condition are polynomials in the tangential variables and time, the same property has any solution of a power growth. It is shown also that the specified property does not apply to the normal variable. As an application, we present a theorem of uniqueness for the problem in the class of functions of power growth.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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