G. Grätzer1, M. Greenberg1
1Department of Mathematics, University of Manitoba, Canada
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G. Grätzer and F. Wehrung introduced the lattice tensor product, A ⊠ B, of the lattices A and B. One of the most important properties is that for a simple and bounded lattice A, the lattice A ⊠ B is a congruence-preserving extension of B. The lattice A ⊠ B is defined as the set of certain subsets of A ⊠ B; there is no easy test when a subset belongs to A ⊠ B. A special case, M
3⊠B, was earlier defined by G. Gräatzer and F. Wehrung as M
3, the it Boolean triple construct, defined as a subset of B
3, with a simple criterion when a triple belongs. A~recent paper of G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt illustrates the importance of this Boolean triple arithmetic. In this paper we show that for any finite lattice A, we can ``coordinatize"" A ⊠ B, that is, represent A ⊠ B as a subset of B
n (where n is the number of join-irreducible elements of A), and provide an effective criteria to recognize the n-tuples of elements of B that occur in this representation. To show the utility of this coordinatization, we reprove a special case of the above result: for a finite simple lattice A, the lattice A ⊠ B is a congruence-preserving extension of B.