Knowledge transfer in work practice: adoption and use of integrated information systems
Tóm tắt
The purpose of this paper is to focus on the social context of enterprise resource planning (ERP) adoption and use within an organization, emphasizing a knowledge transfer perspective. This framework is investigated in terms of the conflicts and struggles between the best practices embedded in ERP modules and the interactions of users of the ERP system.
A case study using grounded theory is applied with the rich and detailed interview process. This paper shows how to conduct grounded theory and how to interpret the individual level of analysis to organizational level impacts.
This study analyzes how an organization adopts a unique information system provided by enterprise integration and also suggests the likely consequences of knowledge transfer between the organization perspective embedded in ERP and individual apprehension conceptualizing the mode of human interaction and the type of work practice.
This is a case study offering rich description of a theoretical framework of knowledge transfer.
The results show how to guide organizational members in adoption and use of integrated information systems.
This paper contributes to the work practice for knowledge transfer in the case of information systems integration.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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