Knowledge management, strategy, and technology: a global snapshot
Tóm tắt
This paper presents results from a large comprehensive global survey of knowledge management (KM). The question that this paper looks to answer is how a KM strategy can be developed that will enable its successful management in organisations of many sectors and sizes. In light of the observed developments since the previous knowledge management surveys, the purpose of this paper is to redefine the KM function, and how it should be performed.
The research instrument was a global online hosted survey answered by nearly 700 participants. Hypotheses on the KM management process in contemporary organisations, emphasising the importance of strategy, cover this work. These hypotheses are tested by a set of questions and supported by the survey responses.
It is demonstrated that in many organisations technology has failed to have much impact on the way knowledge is transferred and shared.
It should be noted that no control was made over the participants to the survey and no stratification of sampling was made. This means that the results are based on breadth as opposed to depth.
Due to the breadth and depth of this survey, the results reported here provide a global snapshot of how knowledge is currently being managed across nations, organisations and various forms of KM function. The findings should be of great use to both practitioners and academics.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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