Jitex: a case study of apparel marketing in the Czech Republic

Emerald - 1995
1University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, USA

Tóm tắt

As Czech apparel and textile firms have moved towards privatization following the 1989 revolution, they have reduced their dependence on the state‐owned export organization, Centrotex, and they have introduced in‐house marketing activities, departments and strategies. Discusses the evolving marketing strategies at Jitex, a major formerly state‐owned vertical knitting firm. Jitex employs 3,000 people and produces knitted underwear, T‐shirts, jogging suits, and bathrobes. To strengthen their export and domestic market position, Jitex responded with product development, pricing, distribution and promotional strategies in the transforming economy. These included the introduction of computer‐assisted design, fashionable screen printing and appliqued knits, cotton/lycra knits and a new shrinkage finishing process. Jitex also consolidated domestic retail channels and established Western export markets. Concludes that Jitex′s size and lack of marketing structure and experience appears to be a disadvantage. However, apparel marketing strategies adopted by Jitex, such as capital investment for product development, fewer CMT (Cut, Make, Sew) orders, and identification of volume and Western customers, position Jitex for a successful future.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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