Investigation of the flashover of oxide coatings on metallic substrates

A. A. Lozovan1, S. S. Aleksandrova1, S. F. Belykh1, R. Kh. Yakubov2, A. A. Pshenichny2, R. N. Rizakhanov3, S. K. Sigalaev, V. A. Kazakov3
1Russian State Technological University MATI, Moscow, Russia
2All-Russian Research Institute for Automatics, Moscow, Russia
3Keldysh Research Center, Moscow, Russia

Tóm tắt

The results of investigations of the flashover of ZrO2, HfO2, and CeO2 coatings with a thickness of up to 100 μm, which are sputtered onto metallic substrates, are represented. The composition and structure of the coatings are investigated. It is shown that the highest flashover voltage is demonstrated by the CeO2 coating with the “cauliflower” structure.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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